August 31st --- See ya! 5 days and counting! Although I am excited for school to start it does scare me a bit!! 5th grade - that is SO SCARY! I went up to the school today to drop something off -- I saw Mrs. Erickson (Stacy) -- I think it will be a good year:) Ashley's room looks GREAT!! She is SO creative!! Tomorrow we are going back to school shopping -- Luckily Brendan doesn't really need much a couple of pairs of jeans, a new pair of shoes, A few long sleeve tshirts and some hoodie sweatshirts. We do need to exchange his backpack -- We searched FOREVER to find the "perfect" backpack for 5th grade and then he had to have the "special" binder thing -- and guess what -- the damn binder doesn't fit in the backpack -- So we will be off to exchange the backpack and get shoes -- He wants sketchers (Is that what they are called???)
My appointment yesterday went well -- I am a perfect candidate for the Veracise Lense Implant. The thing that SUCKS is that she doesn't do it all at once -- I got in a week before my 1st procedure and she "pops" my eye with a laser to form a small hole in the event there is pressure -- after a week I go back and she does the procedure (the non-dominate eye first) - you go back the next day for a post op appointment. About 2 weeks later I go back in and she "pops" the other eye -- a week after that she does the second procedure and then the follow up the next day -- The one thing that I liked A LOT is that if for whatever reason they don't work or something happens they can be removed with no additional lose of sight - I have tentatively scheduled an appointment for the end of September. I need to make sure everything works out with Jeff's schedule. My eyes were SERIOUSLY dialated my head hurt SO bad!!!! I literally laid down in bed with a pillow over my eyes and slept for a couple of hours. I still have a headache today.
Well, I think that is all for now I am off to make a couple of layouts -- I'll probably post them when I am done:)
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Goodbye August!!!
Posted by
11:21 PM
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
No it's not hump day it's........................
Veracise lense day......... After I had my Lasik consultation and found out my degree of nearsightedness is to severe for lasik the Dr. recommended Veracise lense implants --- yes, I said implants........hum.....boobs or eyes or boobs or eyes..........Who am I kidding eyes first:) So, I have an appointment today at 1:30. Jeff has taken the day off of work because I need a driver -- I was freaking out about the Lasik procedure the thought of implants makes me want to throw up in the back of my throat a little. It is more of an invasive procedure than the Lasik -- I'm not sure if I am awake or asleep -- basically the implant the lense that corrects your vision under your cornea over your iris. I'm sure there are stitches involved and let's just say that I could have 4 lasik procedures for the price of the veracise BUT there would be no more glasses or contacts and everything that goes along with it. Anyhow I am really kind of freaking out about it. I'll update when I have more information.
Posted by
3:29 AM
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Tuesday...Tuesday...Tuesday --- Only 7 more days:)
OK - So, school starts in 7 days!!!!!! I think Brendan is really getting excited about it:) Well, maybe not the going to bed at a decent time but excited all the same.
I really ment to get on yesterday but we didn't get home until LATE!!! We took the kids to the Evergreen State Fair in Monroe -- Raven was giving a concert and since Ginger is OVER THE MOON for her I thought it would be a nice Birthday present (her birthday was the 18th). Anyhow Ginger had a GREAT time!!
Whitlee is OFF the hook today --- I am about to give myself a timeout!!! I am working on some layouts -- I'll be back later to post.
I have used pieces from 2 kits -- Ice Cream Social 2 and Ice Cream Cone both by Gina Jane -- I really LOVE her stuff:)
Posted by
3:31 PM
Sunday, August 27, 2006
OK OK ~~~ Man!!!!!
So, I didn't post last night and this is the first time I've had a chance to today --- Thanks to a little email reminder:) Here I am!!
Today was a lazy Sunday -- There is 8 days until school starts!! 8 DAYS!!!!!!! The class lists went up this week. Brendan is in the 4/5 split class - His teacher is Mrs. Erickson (the former Ms. Shuck). I really think that 5th grade is going to be a good year. For 5th graders it is a super busy year - Volleyball, Basketball, 5th grade camp, Jr. Olympics, Crossing Guard, Band, DARE and the list goes on......
I've been busy doing some tutorials on the DIP to learn how to make some digital scrapbooking elements (THANKS Shelleyrae and Kimlizzy!!!!). I have been working on the 2 kits I am playing with "Da Funk" and "Gillaspy". Anyhow of course I have done some layouts. Here is one of Whitlee I call "Fruit Salad" I found a PERFECT kit the plopper page is called Melon-icious by AMill and the kit for the extra elements is Watermelon by Tracy Collins.
I really do love this outfit!!! Gymboree has the cutest clothes for little girls:)
Here is a layout I did of Brendan and JC at a Seattle Storm game
I wanted to add that the background paper is from the Basketball Madness Kit
Posted by
9:21 PM
Friday, August 25, 2006
So, I wanted to jump on quickly before I forgot to post this. I had a meeting with the PTA board last night. Christy took Brendan to Emerald Downs(the racetrack). Tiffany(Christy's Step-daughter) and her husband Jorge both work there. Anyhow Jorge's brother Juan is a jockey -- he was racing 7 of the 8 races last night. I guess One of the races that he won the boys were able to be in the winner's ring with him and got their picture taken. I'm going to try and find out who I need to contact to get a copy of the picture. He had such a good time. Anyhow that is all for now -- I'll be back later.
OK - I'm back..............Good news - no actually GREAT news -- Steven went to the dr. and didn't end up in the hospital!!!!!!!!!! He still can't work next week but at least he's not in the hospital. My Auntie Hinaye called today - It was SO good to talk to her.
I've done another layout -- Thought I'd share.............
I love this!!!!! I was trying some new stuff tonight --- The kit used is Enchanted by Tara Settle and the overlay is Instant Sparkle by Gypsy Chick. If you want a closer view you should know the drill. Let me know what you think (Pssss....for those of you who don't know how to leave a comment click the word comment - got that Christy:))
Posted by
9:55 AM
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Woot Woot - its almost the weekend!!!!
Good news-------no GREAT news Steve was released from the hospital this afternoon!!! He is on some additional blood pressure meds but will see the doctor on Friday. Hopefully, they will be able to control it.
We had a pretty lazy day(Wednesday) in the Cunningham household. Anyhow I have done a couple more layouts --- Here is one I did of Steve's son Matthew (I have his permission to post photos of him).
The templet is by Shelleyrae and the kit used is Boy Oh Boy by Valerie Brumfield -- as always to get a better view double click on the layout.
I've also done another layout of Brendan -- Here it is:
The kit is by Shelleyrae -- the design is from a layout tutorial written by Shelleyrae (Man, I love her stuff!!!!)
I started another "kit" tonight -- It is called "Gillaspy" It is to honor Ashley and Chet -- I did a page for Ash tonight but since I don't have permission from her to publically post her photo I won't -- HOWEVER, should she give me permission I'll post it in a heartbeat!!! I LOVE how it turned out --- I also used the same "templet" that I used in Matthew's layout I just played with it a bit.
I guess that's all for now -----
Posted by
1:18 AM
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
And another day is upon us.........
Good or bad?? You decide -- My sweet dear Brendan has over the last week or so discovered EBAY!!! And he is excited that his mommy has an account!!! I swear he spends more time looking at Ebay than I do --- He doesn't quiet understand why I won't give him my password!! He begs me at least 20 times a day to look at something he found (big surprise it's always Yu-Gi-Oh). We bid on something that ended last Friday - We won a bunch of cards -- They arrived today -- Brendan started asking to check the mail every 30 minutes from noon on!! He was so excited about them arriving today.
Steve is still in the hospital. They "think" that they may have the blood pressure under control. If everything goes well he might be released today. He is going NUTS there -- he hates having to lay around more than anything in the world!!! They won't let him get up or move around because of the possible rise in pressure so he has to lay there!! I'm glad that I'm not one of his nurses.
I've been spending time digital scrapbooking -- I reeeeeeeealy like it. I like that I can move stuff and see what it looks like before making anything the final choice. I even have started making my own kit -- I am just following some tutorials on making things -- If I could figure out how to make gel items in DIP I'd be in heaven!!! Anyhow I did a layout of Brendan tonight and I just love it!!! So I'll post it here -- let me know what you think. I can't wait until I have enough to have a good start on an album (................hum.................)
The overlay used is by Tina Chambers with DSP.
As always if you double click on the image you will get a better view.
Before I go I just thought I'd leave you with Whitlee Jane's word of the day...........Wussy!! Where did she get that????
Posted by
2:05 AM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Do I know what time it is???
YES!! I fully realize that it is currently 3:27 AM!! And although Brendan will sleep until 2 or 3 this afternoon if I let him sweet sweet Whitlee will be up by at least 8!! Ah that girl of mine:)
First, I got the MOST BEAUTIFUL wedding announcement in the mail -- my friend Ashley (Brendan's 1st grade teacher) and Chet (that's Mr. Chet to you) got married on July 28th in Fiji. MAN!!! They are tan and look SO very happy!!! Chet is a great guy and he is so lucky to have Ash!!!!!(OK - she is luck to have Chet also!) So, CONGRATS Ash and Chet!!! I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!! (..........shhhhhh.........don't tell anyone but I scanned the picture in the announcement into my computer and I am working on a layout -- it's gonna ROCK)
We went to Wild Waves on Monday -- We took JC with us -- I hope he had a good time -- I think he did!!! I tried to make it as fun as possible giving the boys as much "freedom" as I could without freaking myself out!!!! I can't wait to take Christy, JC and Christopher there. I really wanted to take Christopher with me today(I felt SO bad having to leave him at home) but with Whitlee who takes most of my attention I didn't want to take the chance of something happening to Christopher or Whitlee -- With 4 kids it would just be easier with 2 adults!! I think the only one who wasn't absolutly worn out was the van!!!! Whitlee fell asleep on the way to take JC home, JC looked like he had been on a 3 day binge (bags under his eyes), Brendan fell asleep on the way home from JC's(he said he was going to take a power nap when he got home so he would be able to stay up until 3am -- I told him NO WAY), then I promptly fell asleep on the couch downstairs for 2 hours!!!
I am totally freaking out (probably why I can't sleep) Steven was released from the hospital on Saturday -- He is on 2 different blood pressure meds. His blood pressure has still been high. He had an appointment on Monday at 1:40 -- he was suppose to call me when he was done to let me know how it went. I was chatting with Christy when my cell phone rang (this was at 8:45pm) I was waiting to call Steven to make sure that he was able to talk to Matthew. Anyhow it was Sharlene (have I mentioned how much I like her!!!) There was a reason that Steve hadn't called me!! He was in the ER again!!!! When he went for his dr. appointment his blood pressure was HIGH (funny, he wouldn't tell Sharlene what it was). I guess the dr. freaked a bit. They actually started an IV in the dr. office before he went to the hospital. They are REALLY concerned about controlling the blood pressure (thank goodness someone has a brain!! I have decided that I won't even send a dying fly to St. Claire's in Lakewood!!! I wonder what kind of medical school you have to go to to be a dr. there!!! -- That is a whole different rant!!!). They ran all kinds of different tests - most of the same tests that had already been run - and they all came back fine. His cholesterol is fine so why is the blood pressure up and the numbness in the arm and the tightness in the chest??????? Sharlene said the dr. is of course most concerned about getting the blood pressure stable (unlike St. Claires!!!) and then after they have done that then try and figure out what the heck is going on with Steven.
I know already how this is going to sound and I am sure if he reads this is will make him so uncomfortable but I seriously don't know what I would do if something happened to him. Rick has pretty much fallen off the face of the earth -- I have absolutly no idea of how to get ahold of him. Susie is also so hard to get ahold of -- she of course has a ton on her own plate. Dad, well I guess he has decided he doesn't want anything to do with his children (again, a whole different rant and train of thought) I haven't heard from him since I gave him the link for our family website -- he just isn't interested and I am not going to allow him to make Brendan cry again. Other than Jeff and the kids (Ginger is included in "the kids") Steven it all I have here. We seriously talk AT LEAST once a day most times it is 2 or 3 times. He knows ALL of my demons and why I have them -- not only does he understand them because he has been there he will call me on my shit in an instant!!! Christy (man, what would I do without her!!!!) told me I "HAD" to bring the kids up to her house in the morning so I wouldn't be draggin them to the hospital with me. I gave Brendan the choice about going with me or staying at Christy's (he is really worried about Steve) He picked Christy's (that's not a shock!) I think that it would just be easier for him. He is SO emotional these days!! You gotta love pre-puberty!!!
Anyhow it is now 4AM and I am still awake!!! I really have to try and get some sleep or I will be USELESS tomorrow!!!!!!! I think maybe I'll see if Steven wants to borrow my laptop while he is in the hospital -- See what sacrifices I'll make for him:)
I have a new quote:
"Scientists say that 1 out of every 4 people are crazy..............Check 3 friends if they are ok baby, YOUR IT!!!"
Posted by
3:41 AM
Monday, August 21, 2006
So, I just wanted to jump on here and post something that I have done. I ave started playing with my DIP and I made this layout. I call it "And When You Dream" The paper is from a kit called Anniversary Wishes by Amy Deanne and the Word Art is from Pillowgirl
If you want a closer and clearer view double click on the layout.
Posted by
3:46 AM
Friday, August 18, 2006
It's been 5 days........
Wow!!5 days!! Well, it sure has been busy around here. I had a trip to the ER on Monday night -- YIKES -- Needless to say I have been exhausted since then. Jeff took yesterday(Thursday) off because I refused to go back to the ER and just went to see Dr. Olsen instead. She did more for me than the entire ER staff did!! I love her she is the best!!!.
Anyhow when I was at home sleeping yesterday -- Steven called -- he wanted to know if Jeff would drive him to the dr. -- of course -- Well, steven ended up being taken my Medic One to Auburn General -- His blood pressure was like 225/138 YIKES!!! Steven was admitted to St. Claire hospital in Lakewood. He was bombarded with high blood pressure medicine to try and get it under control. He is suppose to have some tests done today to determine if he gets to come home today or not. He hates being there.
I guess that is all for now ---- I'll be back later
Posted by
4:32 PM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I wanted to post this before I forgot --- Here is my first digital scrapbook page --- It is a pretty basic layout but I am just trying to get a "feel" of how to do it.
If you double click on the photo it will enlarge it and make it clearer.
Posted by
12:13 AM
Saturday, August 12, 2006
So, Brendan LOVES LOVES LOVES Yu-Gi-Oh!! He has been really into it since 1st grade. About 3 months ago he discovered that there was a regional tournament at Seattle Center -- for today. The entry fee was $15 -- I figured if I told him he had to earn the entry fee himself he would either bag it or spend the money on something else. He has worked ALL summer to earn money --- 1/2 of all money he earns or is given he has to put in his college fund. Not only did he manage to save the money for the tournament but he also was able to buy a new deck of cards. This morning dawns.........we ALL get up and get ready............load into the car...........take Ginger to work..........and head to Seattle Center.........There are 178 people that are entered into the tournament. I would say that 85-90% of the people there were over the age of oh...................15!! Most were adults. I assumed (remember was assume means: When you ASSUME you make an ASS out of U and ME) that it would be something like a double elimination or triple elimination right -- a couple of hours we would have some lunch and check out the center. There were 8 -- YES 8 rounds!!!! Each round was about 40 minutes long -- it consisted of 2 duels and then there was about a 20 minute break in order to let them get the winners in the computer (for those of you who aren't counting that is 1 hour for each round ----- 1 hour times 8 rounds = 8 hours!!!! When I found this out I thought I would pass out. Brendan was on edge --- he didn't know what to expect --- HE DID GREAT!! OK so out of 8 rounds he won 1 - but, he had such a great time and he learned A LOT. He is already talking about the next tournament in October. Grandma came and stayed until almost the end -- Whitlee only had 1 minor meltdown (although there was the incident of her running off in and getting lost in the center house --- talk about freaking out!!!!!) I took lots of pictures I'm going to download them tonight and I'll post them later. It was a beautiful day and we all had a good time.
Posted by
10:53 PM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
So the soccer game last night was a BLAST!!!!!!!!! We all had a great time. It was nice to see a good soccer game --- there were 66,880 people there last night. Brendan was SO IMPRESSED!!!
I forgot about what "discovery" Whitlee said yesterday --- we were talking about bumble bees and she decided that they all have mommies and she said it was "awesome" --- Ah.........the mind of a child:)
I am a bit tired today so I am going to leave it as this.
See YA!!!!!
Posted by
11:46 PM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
MMMMMMMMM.....David Beckham!!
OK, so just in case you don't know who he is here is a picture or two of him
And here is his wife... I beg you PLEASE SOMEONE FEED HER!!!!!!!!!
Her waist is as large as Whitlee's --- that can't be healthy it just can't.
Anyhow, just a couple of more hours!!!!!
Posted by
3:13 PM
I swear that is was just yesterday that I found out I was pregnant with Brendan. Mom was still alive as was Mima, Wilma, Bill, Bachan, Tim, John, Leona and Sharon. We went from referring to Brendan as lima bean(Jeff) or coffee bean(me) to this:
And then Whitlee...................
Man I love my kids!!! They are truly truly my reason for breathing!!! Every single day something happens or they will say something that makes me SO SO SO proud!!!!
We spent the day up at Christy's today I was helping her with a craft project:) It was really fun.
Tomorrow is a HUGE HUGE day. Jeff got us tickets for Qwest field to see David Beckham play soccer with his team Real Madrid. Brendan (ok me) is really really excited!! He is married to Victoria Beckham - better known as Posh Spice. Man, that girl needs some chicken nuggets!!!! I am going to take TONS of pictures while we are there. Although I don't know how they will turn out. I think I'll run now.
Peace Out!!!!!!
Posted by
12:52 AM
Monday, August 07, 2006
What 4 days????
So, I SUCK I had all these super great intentions of blogging every single day and then life happened:)
Let's see.........Thursday I got together with some PTA moms and we played cards! Those women are SO much fun!!! Sue has an actual card table I think we decided that she has to bring it to every get together:). Friday night I went out for dinner with Christy and Lisa -- Lisa is in town for a couple of weeks and this was about our only chance to really get together and just hang out. We had a really good time!! It is hard to believe that the 3 of us have been friends for 20 (YIKES) years!!! Saturday.................hum well I had to pick Brendan up from Christy's house as he had spent the night. Saturday night we took JC to the Storm basketball game with us. I think he had a good time maybe just a bit overwhelmed on everything that was happening! I got some great shots but of course I haven't downloaded them from my camera yet. I'll get to that at some point today (Monday). Sunday was just a lazy hazy summer day.
I'll be back later with more updates and photos!!! I have a great video of Steven dancing the YMCA at Wild Waves!!!!!
And before I go..............Another wonderful quote from Jeff!!!!
"Don't trust a surgeon who is nicknamed Thumbs"
Posted by
2:02 AM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Where did today go??
So, I realize that it is actually Thursday morning but I am still pretending that it is Wednesday. Steve wanted to take Brendan to Wild Waves today but I think that he may have gotten to much sun yesterday. He was feeling pretty yucky all day. It was a lay low day. I don't think he even got dressed.
Whitlee was a gem today --- She went potty on the potty 3 times!!!! Having fun in the pool!!!
Anyhow Here is a picture of Matthew from the Algona Day Parade he was in.
Steven, Matthew, Brendan & Sharlene
I'm really tired so I am off to bed....tomorrow (Thursday) I am going to try my hand at digital scrapbooking --- maybe I'll post what I do........
Jeff's quote of the day....
"Never pay for a ride on a camel"
Posted by
2:28 AM
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
UUUUUUUUUUGH!!!!! I am exhausted!!!!
So, Jeff is REALLY sick!!! He was up literally every 5 minutes last night hacking up his lungs!!! Finally around 6 this morning I gave him all the pillows on the bed to "prop" him up so he could get a little of what some people call sleep. He slept on the couch most of the day leaning against clean folded laundry (at least it is good for something!!!).
Steven came over and we took Matthew and the kids to Wild Waves. I don't know who had more fun Steve or the kids. I got some really great pictures. I will post them in the morning as I am falling asleep as I type this!!!!
Seacrest OUT!
Just keep swimming.....................
Posted by
11:30 PM
Is This Going To Work????
So, my "goal" is to post at least once a day! Yeah right who the heck am I kidding!!! I never was good at keeping a diary so lets see how this will go!!! We are going to spend most of the day at Wild Waves with Steven and Matthew --- I'll update and post pictures later on.
Is there anything more beautiful than the wonderment of a child??? I don't think so!
Here is Brendan at Jeff's company picnic......
OK I think I am going to LOVE THIS BLOG THING!!!!!
Posted by
1:37 AM
All posts from "old" blogish
Monday, July 31st
I think that this is turning into the monthly blog - YIKES!!!! I really have to try and post here more. Today it the 2 year anniversary since Brendan has his seizure -- And he is camping with Steven, Matthew and Sharlene. He'll be home today -- I can't wait!!!! The kids are doing great! I can't believe that summer is almost over!! YIKES where has it gone??? We are enjoying it to the fullest. Our season passes to Wild Waves was a great decision!!! I'll have to post some of the videos that I have taken.
We FINALLY put up our little pool and the kids love love love love it! I'll post some of those pictures also. And........I think that might be all for now. I'll try and check in later -- WHITLEE IS SCREAMING I guess she is up from her nap!!!
June 25, 2006
Can it really have been 2 months since I have posted anything? Man, life sure has been busy around the Cunningham household.
School got out this past Thursday (the 22nd). Other than Brendan making his final AR goal of the year (he now has made each goal since starting AR). Brendan was given an award for reading the most minutes as home in the 4th grade. His total was 15,620 minutes - the 2nd place student had just over 9000 minutes. Brendan was SO proud!! He was given a certificate and a medal (he wore the medal around ALL DAY). The last day of school they did something new at the year end assembly. They recognized the Honor Roll students -- these are students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Brendan made the Honor Roll --- Jeff and I are SO Proud of him!! He has 2 goals for next year -- read at least 20,000 minutes in at home reading and to make the Presidental Honor Roll. It will be tough but I think that he can do it.
Whitlee is growing like a weed:) She just amazes us every single day --- Sometimes I swear that she is a 40 year old trapped in a 2 year old's body:) Her word of the day yesterday was actually 2 words........Picnic Shelter.
Tomorrow (Monday) is Brendan's last baseball game of the season. He is REALLY bummed about that. He has ejoyed playing this year. He is already talking about next year.
I have posted some more photos in the newsletter section and I have also added some additional scrapbook pages. Take a look.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Today was the BEST day! Brendan had his first baseball game!!!It was GREAT! We had to be at the Game Farm Park Fields by 8:15 am for pictures (as soon as I get them back I'll post them). Brendan was SO excited!!!!! After pictures they played a 4 inning game. The Cobra's lost 7-0 but played well. The other team was made up of mostly 10 and 11 year olds who had been playing together for a bit. Brendan batted 2nd and pitched, played right field and then catcher. HE LOVED IT!!!! When he was up to bat he was all business!!! He didn't connect but only 1 of the 5 pitches was near where he could hit. His next game is on Monday He can't wait!!! Did I mention how excited he was!!! I have posted pictures in the newsletter section.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
OK- So we didn't dye any eggs - Whitlee decided that it would be easier to just throw those babies across the room!!!
Easter was great!! Whitlee LOVED getting all dressed up again and the Easter Bunny brought her a new purse with ear rings, a braclet, and a ring. She wore the ear rings ALL day long -- everytime they came off she wanted it back on right away. The kids had a great time hunting for Easter eggs. I have uploaded some photos in the newsletter section -- unfortunately there aren't any of Ginger -- Why is this.........She was like a CRAZY woman I have never seen someone get eggs so quickly!
Tonight was the Cub Scout Rain Gutter Regatta. Brendan was shooting for 1st place -- he came in 3rd. He was such a good sport about the whole thing!!! He really really made us proud. It didn't matter if he won or lost he made sure that he said "good job" to whoever he was racing against.
Brendan has started baseball!! He is having a BLAST. Coach Rick is really happy with his batting and is working with him on pitching. Brendan is a bit bummed because even though he is one of the biggest kids on the team he is the slowest. We keep telling him that not all major league players are super fast. Kirby Puckett or even Edgar Martinez. He doesn't quit!!! His Jymboree is on Saturday morning! I am taking TONS of pictures and will update when we get home. He is getting team photos taken on Saturday also. As soon as I get them back I will scan them in and update. But for now we are HUGE Code Green Cobra fans!!!
Friday, April 14, 2006
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
Posted by
1:22 AM