Wednesday, January 02, 2008

And the beat goes..........

bam bam bam bam bam bam bam --- each beat of my heart every breath, every blink, every second. The only thing to do is jump over the moon...............

Today, I took the kiddos to see the Bee Movie at the $2 theater -- They loved it -- I found it mildly entertaining! Good message -- not sure if the kids picked up on it.

Tomorrow Brendan goes back to school -- I think he has mixed feelings about it -- he has missed his friends and wants the structure yet the past 2 weeks have been very stressful. He also is starting basketball practices -- Thursdays at 6:30 --

I talked to Steven today -- Little League signs ups are coming -- It seems like everytime I turn around something is going on!!! YIKES!!!!

Guess that is all...........................


Christy said... sucks that we cannot make life to stop for us to catch up!! Running kids around is a never ending battle. Just wait until Whitlee starts doing more stuff. It has only just began.