Saturday, April 07, 2007

....Happy Dance....Happy Dance.....


can you just feel it????

can I be any more neurotic???

can it be real???

can it be true???

can it make me anymore crazy???

Picture this my friends...............This is me (and Brendan) doing the happy dance ---Today was our 4th trip to see Mr. Chris -- have I mentioned how AWESOME he is??? He was pretty aggressive with Brendan's treatment today -- He had let Brendan know and stopped when Brendan felt discomfort --- When Brendan got off the table he was at a 2 --- A 2!!!!! It's the 4th appointment and my kid is down to a 2!!!! We went to Matthew's TBall game --- We went to the grocery store --- I noticed a spring in his step that hadn't been there before --- off the cuff I asked Brendan -- "Your head doesn't hurt at all does it?" Without missing a beat he said NO -- stopped turned around and looked at me and realized what he said......................NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN NO PAIN...................

Before I break out in the manic crazed Snoopy happy dance...

caution..................don't get over excited.............

Whatever ---- I'll take it:)

I can see clearly now the rain is gone..................


Christy said...

Yeah...we are so glad to hear Brendan is all better. We will keep our fingers crossed that is doesn't return.