Tuesday, February 10, 2009

You might be a Redneck if.....And report cards..........

Every year the kids and I buy Jeff a daily calendar for his office. Last year he got a George Carlin calendar -- it was SO SO funny!!! We couldn't really find one that we liked -- Brendan kept looking for another Carlin ----- nothing ---- Brendan and I were in Barnes and Noble the recently and FOUND ONE!!!! Jeff Foxworthy --- I love him -- I think that he is so funny!!!! Anyhow, it was fun going through the days already passed -- Whitlee is holding onto one for her Uncle Steven --- The following is my favorite so far..............

You might be a redneck if you think Starbucks is a hunting ranch..........................

Take a second.........................

I can see you laughing:).................It's ok!!!

Jeff's favorite one......

You might be a redneck if you have given your compliments to the chef.............at a county fair!!!

We got Brendan's report card --- 3.76 GPA!!! Not bad we are VERY proud of him!!!!!

I am off to make sugar cookies................